Spring, Perhaps, and Lots of Talking
I'm kind of tired of waking up, looking at our indoor/outdoor temperature/clock/phases of the moon thingie and discovering that it's 33 degrees out. But it's 50 degrees out there right now and sunny...so spring may finally be here. (The crocuses sure think so - they have been blooming for weeks, right through several snowfalls.)
Kid boasts:
Sascha has been adding numbers for awhile. She doesn't know that's what she's doing, but she does it. She's good with adding 1 to just about anything; adding 2 or 3 is fairly easy for her; larger numbers are dicier. And she can definitely subtract 1, because every morning, she's been telling me just how many days it is until Aunt Mary visits. (We're at 9 and counting.)
She has been asking some hard questions. She wanted to know if there was a time when there were no people in the world. Then after about a week, she wanted to know how the first person got here!
She also wants to know why people take cow's milk away from baby cows and sell it to people. And why we kill animals and eat them. Whew. We have talked about how many animals eat other animals, and if they didn't, we'd be overrun with mice and worms (among other things). But it's still difficult to explain why, with all the food we have to choose from, we eat chickens and pigs.
Zoe: today Zoe said her first sentence. She was in the pantry and she distinctly said "Oh, no!" (I have never heard her say this before.) I came over to see what was wrong, and she pointed to the cat's food dish (which was almost empty). Then she signed "cat eat" and pointed to the container of cat food. After I filled the dish she started calling for Theo (the way you might call a cat - I have no idea what to call the sound - it's like a really loud kiss). I was floored.
My favorite Zoe word is "bleah!" She says this to describe something dirty, or a spill. You have to stick your tongue out when you say it to get the full effect. ;)
Recent photos...darn cute if I may say so.

And here's Theo and Zoe relaxing together....