Why You Should Not Try To Take The Annual "Zoe's Birthday" Photo After 8 P.M.
See the August 23, 2007 blog entry for past years' photos....I think this year wins for "most expressive" so far.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Birthday Season Arrives Zoe turned three on August 11....and our family birthday season is here. Matt is 9/12, I'm 9/26 and Sascha is 11/27, so we are all sort of "crammed together" in one part of the year.
Here are some photos from Zoe's sort-of party - she had one friend come over for cupcakes (everyone else was in Maine for the weekend). We only did video from her family party, but rest assured she had lots of chocolate frosting then, too.
The kids and I went to New Hampshire last weekend and Sascha caught her first fish! (And her second through fifth - there was good fishing on Friday.) I was completely icked out by putting on the worm and taking off the fish, but I did it, because that's one of those things parents do, right?
(and don't tell me if the answer is "no".)
Zoe caught her first fish, too (with a little help from Mom) but didn't want to look at it.
We also went to a really cool children's museum in Dover. I think we spent three hours there, and could have stayed longer! Here are the kids in the "Greek restaurant," busily making tzatziki or dolmades or something else I have probably misspelled.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Milestones Sascha is a swimmer! She can jump in the pool and swim (above and underwater) for at least 15 feet. It happened all at once, just a day or two after swimming lessons ended.
And yesterday, she earned her yellow belt in karate! She and Matt were keeping her test a secret for weeks. She is so proud of this belt...she wore it over her clothes last night, and just took it to the library to show the librarian. :) I guess it's time to get her a gi (uniform) to wear with the belt - until now, she's just worn her regular clothes.
We're off to New Hampshire this weekend for some swimming, fishing, s'moring fun. And on Monday, Zoe turns 3. Time really has sped along. As they say: the years fly by, but some days seem to last FOREVER.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
This is Just Too Fun!
Say what you want about the internet - sometimes it's just a blast to play around on! These come from Photofunia. I could spend a good hour on that site....but I must...go....to...bed......