Our camera battery died. I have a new one; I just haven't actually put it in the camera yet. So no new photos. Both kids need haircuts so if I did post photos you might just be wondering how Zoe could possibly see properly what with her bangs in her eyes like that. :)
We all went out to dinner last night (Thai) for the first time since possibly last summer. It's been a looonnng time. As long as Zoe sat on my lap and had an endless supply of spring rolls, she was happy. I think she did freak out a younger woman by pointing at her and shouting "Mama!" (Zoe thinks all females over the age of about 3 are mamas and all males are daddies.) Sascha is at a pretty low-maintenance age for restaurants anyway, so we all did fine.
As we were layering up to leave (it was about 4 degrees outside!), an older couple next to us commented that Zoe was "as cute as a bug's ear". You should never say something like this to a biologist...I became distracted trying to remember if any bugs really did, in fact, have ears, and if so, were they cute.
(Yes, I know, it's just a saying.)
For nostalgia's sake, here are some newborn photos of the kids.....

Here's Sascha at about 8 days old. It's amazing how much she still looks like this (with way more hair, o'course).

Here's Zoe at about 1 week of age. Ah, blessed sleep.