Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Infantile Syncope ... No, It's Not a New Dance

Zoe has always done the silent, throw-your-head-back, keep-your-mouth-open-and-turn-red-and-don't-take-a-breath sort of crying, usually only when she gets hurt. But she's recently started doing it so "well" that she faints. She has done it twice, most recently this afternoon. (I was on a phone call and missed it all...probably for the better.)

Being an irrepressible researcher, I looked it up on Google. It's termed "infantile syncope" ...which is just a fancy way of saying "cry until you faint".

It's not common - maybe 5% of kids - and stops by age 4 or so. There are no long-term effects. She starts breathing again within 5 seconds. The time I was holding her, not only did she start breathing right away but she picked up crying right where she'd left off. ;)

Now I am starting to understand how children can make you old before your time.

On the Cuteness and Light side of things, she has started calling Sascha by name. But it comes out "Wah-wah". So you will be elsewhere in the house and suddenly hear this little voice shouting, "Wah-wah? WAH-WAH!" I simply must get it on video, but every time there's a cute something going on and I find the camera and get it set up, they have moved on to pushing one another or crying.

Oh - the camera is working again. I just haven't taken any postable photos yet. Soon...

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