B's and Bees
Zoe is up to 20 or so spoken words...doesn't sound like much, but she knows 40+ signs and enough other gestures and noises to make herself very clear. "Bee" is one of her latest words. It refers to:
1) any letter of the alphabet
2) any insect
Like most of the houses I've ever lived in, we get ant visitors in the spring. To Zoe, these are "bees" and she is afraid of them. She will come running into the living room shouting "Bee! Bee!" and drag me to the bathroom to point at a spot on the floor where an ant once stood. Outside is a "bee" field day - since there are actual bees (bumble and honey), as well as flies, ants, butterflies, mosquitoes and all manner of other buggy things.
Sascha is still bike riding, drawing, imagining and jumping off things. Her drawing has changed dramatically in the past few months. She drew a cat yesterday that looked, well, like a cat. Of course, we force her to sit and draw for an hour every day so she can improve.
(Um, that was a joke. As if she'd stand for that, if we were silly enough to do it!)
Some recent photos.....

The kids at the table yesterday, being goofy

The Z-meister
And my attempt at an arty shot - a reflection of the capitol building in Montpelier:

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