Sascha is about to get a serious hair cut. Every morning, she and I have the Battle of the Hairbrush. This consists of me trying to brush her hair as gently as possible while she whines, yells, shrieks that I am hurting her, moves away, and generally makes it difficult to do anything. I have always told her that she could get her hair cut short instead, but she's never wanted to until now. So tomorrow, it's happening. She says she wants it as short as Matt's...I think we'll keep a bit more than half an inch of hair. :)
Sascha is all about games still. Mancala, Uno, dominoes, card games, matching games, any kind of game. We started teaching her chess the other night. Who knows how far that will go.
We discovered that we do have to register her for homeschooling for kindergarten - the Vermont rule is that a child doesn't have to attend school until age 6. So kindergarten could be optional for some kids, but because of Sascha's November birthday, she'd be going to k-garten in the fall of 2008. So we'll be submitting all of our paperwork in the spring.
Zoe's current favorite things to do: jump on the bed, jump on the couch, swing on the swings, color, paint, listen to stories, play in the bathtub. Right now, she's afraid of a lot of things. Or at least she is sure that they're going to hurt. Cars (even ones that are turned off and 100 yards away), stoves, bugs, animals, small appliances. We keep telling her that everything is NOT out to get her. :) Besides that, she's a happy, curious, smiley kid who gives great big hugs.
We've started our garden and are on Strawberry Watch - the ones in our garden are starting to ripen, and in a couple of weeks, the farm down the road will have pick-your-own. June in Vermont - there's nothing like it!
Now for pics...these were taken in New Hampshire over Memorial Day weekend....

Here they are with Mason, a 5-year-old boy who also was visiting that weekend. Don't they all look so happy?
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