First we celebrated on the actual day, with friends in Bay Beach, Ontario. Zoe blew out the candle twice (to make sure we had it on video) and then plowed through four pieces of cake (eating only the frosting).
Then we celebrated again at home, but took only video and no photos. Zoe loved all her gifts...the purple fuzzy purse and the pink kitty are her favorites so far.
I got Zoe a Dora motorized ride-on car (I say "I" because there's no way Matt would have suggested such a fact, I wish I'd had a picture of the look he gave me when he saw the box) because she's too small for Sascha's old tricycle and scooter. Zoe has ridden it a couple of times but mostly is scared of it. Sascha loves it...but it's almost too small for her and her knees are up under the handlebars. Ah well. At least we know who likes motorized vehicles and who doesn't. (And I have Sascha on my side when I want to angle for a New Beetle the next time we need a car.)
Here is Zoe at celebration #1, loving her cake:
On our way to and from Bay Beach, we spent a day and a couple of nights in my hometown, right next to my old house. Watching Sascha play with Nicky, my childhood friend's son, was sort of surreal (they are both 4). In a really good way.
Here they are keeping their Frisbees away from Nicholas, the 17-month-old son of Sandy (whom I've known since kindergarten).
Sascha and Zoe on the swing with Mr. Gorski (aka "Grampa Gee")

The new 2-year-old in the house!
Other than birthday celebrations, we've been enjoying the weather, except for that freak storm that came through. We just got rain and high winds, but when we visited friends on the other side of town that day to have dinner with them, we discovered they had been hailed on and lost power. We saw many trees that had been ripped up by the roots - pretty amazing. It reminded us of the tornado that came through Lake Itasca in 1995 and deposited a big tree on the windshield of my car. (It also moved the house we were in off its foundation - very Wizard of Oz-ish.)
okay, one more photo of the birthday girl, and one of her wonderful sister!

A clean face is totally overrated.
Sascha in Canada, where she had a grand time!
1 comment:
Happy 2nd birthday, Zoe! Love that last pic of you...your facial expressions are priceless! ;)
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