Here are a couple left over from Florida...Zoe looks so babylike in these, even though it was only three months ago.

Here are some from a couple of weeks ago, when the weather was summery:

One from The Land of Many Ponytails...

And now some photos from Sascha's half-mile race, which was this past Saturday. She asked me to run with her, and the "field of runners" was so packed that we could really only jog our way around the bike path. Next year, she may do the one-mile run so she can stretch her legs, so to speak.
Here she is with her friend Lindy, who also ran the half-mile:

Here she is before the race...doesn't she look so grown up?

And here she is after the race with her medal!

Finally, here's one of me and Sascha after my half marathon...Zoe is off-camera in the stroller, trying not to fall asleep!

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