They say kids do what they know...
I was reading Zoe "Snow White" last night. On one two-page spread, there was a picture of the nasty queen on the left, looking into her mirror, and a picture of Snow White on the right, scrubbing the dungeon steps.
I was reading about how the queen banished Snow White to the dungeon and made her clean all day. Zoe wanted to know why the queen was so mean. "Because she thinks Snow White is pretty and she doesn't like that," was the gist of what I said.
Zoe looked thoughtful. Then she started giving suggestions as to how Snow White could make the queen feel better.
"'No White could share her toys," she said. "'No White could give her (the queen) a hug."
I said I thought that might help a lot, but since Snow White was locked in the basement, she unfortunately could not try any of those compassionate acts.
Thankfully, Zoe is confused as to why someone would be mean for so petty a reason. And is not interested in 'No White seeking revenge for being wronged. Let's hope that lasts...