So...I have come to realize that kids are going to like what they like, and there's not a *whole lot* we can do about it. As in, I have one kid who LOVES hiking (this I just discovered over the weekend) and one who prefers not to walk except when absolutely necessary. Do I think I can instill a love of hiking in the non-walker? Maybe. But I don't think it will be ME instilling it. Once she is older, she might think hiking is the coolest thing ever. But forcing her to do it now is not going to help that!
Which all is just a long-winded way of saying that Sascha and I went hiking on Saturday and it was amazing and we both wanted to stay out there all day. We are now planning a thru-hike of the Long Trail (all 270 miles of it!) when she is old enough (but before I am *too* old).
My girl! She is getting so big....

Sascha took this one

Do you see the chipmunk?

The Lamoille River, taken from a narrow suspension bridge WAY up high.
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