Sunday, April 27, 2008

Conversation while driving home today, talking about tadpoles

Me: I'm not sure what tadpoles eat. I think they might eat tiny little plants and animals in the water; they're so small that we can't even see them.

Sascha: You mean plankton?

Me: Ummm...yeah. Plankton. I just wasn't sure you knew that word. Lots of animals eat plankton. Even some whales.

Sascha: Like blue whales.

Me: Ummm...yes. Like blue whales.

(Note to self: never assume Sascha doesn't know what you are talking about!)

A funny: The other day, Sascha told Matt the toilet needed "punishing" because it was clogged. :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sometimes it seems like kids grow overnight. Suddenly, both kids seem taller and older.

Sascha update: she still loves Bob the Builder, but as the weather has been incredible lately she's been outside riding her bike, running around, and even getting wet in the kiddie pool (we've had 80+-degree weather more than one day!). She's been trying to count as fast as she can (onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten etc.), and has played enough Take Off! to be able to throw around terms like "Europe" and "Los Angeles". She's about 45 inches tall, 43 lbs or so, and is about to outgrow all of her shoes.

Zoe update: It's hard to believe how many words she says, and how fast she picks up new ones. Last week she was "reading" a book and it was a video moment (which of course I missed because I was too entranced by just listening to her):
"One a ponny time, girl named Sally." (turn page)
"One a ponny time, go on swings." (turn page)
"One a ponny time, kitty." (turn page)
"Dee en!"

This morning she dressed herself, except for a bit of help with her shirt. Then she ate most of my breakfast and part of her own. Why is Mom's breakfast always more appealing?

Zoe also says her ABCs: "bee....cee....oh...kay...em!" :) She's about 35 inches tall and 31 lbs.

She also likes Bob the Builder and knows the names of all of the machines. She has been trying to watch Cinderella for months, but is completely put off every time by the "mean kitty" and the "mean girls." Last night I tried to explain Cinderella's family dynamics. I'm not sure it sunk in at all, but we all agreed that a) it was unfair to make C do all of the work around the house and b) her dad should have stepped in and stuck up for her (where IS he in the movie, anyway?) and c) families should all pitch in and help.

Matt update: well, we grown-ups are more boring than the kids, but Matt continues to be an awesome husband and dad. He created a favorite new meal (chicken curry, NOT spicy hot, with homemade bread) and is about to go to Montreal for a day of gaming this weekend.

Nancy update: I am still working, running, wifing and momming, NOT in that order. :) I'm running half of the Vermont City Marathon on May 25. I also think a lot about spring cleaning...but haven't done much yet.

This weekend is the Maple Festival and next weekend is the first art festival of the season!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

We went into Once Upon a Child's a store mostly full of gently used kids' clothes, but they also have used books, furniture, toys, shoes, Halloween costumes and the like. We were looking for Magic Tree House books....but they had none. They DID, however, have:

A talking Bob the Builder doll, for $3.50
A Fisher Price Discovery Village, with a car, 2 buses, about 8 people and a skateboard, for $6.50

Between Bob and the village, the kids were busy for hours. One game they made up involved running around and around the village...I would not recommend this to adults, especially if you have a tendency to get motion sick.

Sascha is VERY into Bob the Builder right now. She said she wishes he were real. He seems like a nice guy, responsible, environmentally aware, owns his own business. Even when mistakes are made, he remains cheerful and hard working. His wardrobe could use an overhaul, though. (And hello, Bob? Wendy is IN LOVE WITH YOU. Am I the only one who can see this????)

Um. Anyway.

So we've filled out all our homeschooling paperwork for the fall, in a fit of completely uncharacteristic preparedness. Our curriculum is based on the Vermont standards for kindergarten....85% of which Sascha has already met, so we should be okay.

The kids took a field trip to a local bakery (Gerard's...the bread is *incredible*)last week, and Sascha has been asking about visiting our bakery (Foothills, in Fairfax) to see how Amy makes her scones. We asked her about it today and of course she'd love to have Sascha long as S. doesn't mind showing up at 5:30 am. I don't think Sascha knows how early this really is. I explained that it would still be dark out, but that didn't phase her. So I guess we'll be getting up *really* early soon....

Zoe is Ms. Chatty. Sometimes she will not know a word, or know the answer to your question. Then she says "No me say!" or "No me choose!" And when she talks about things that are hers, they are "mine own" - so I am "mine own Mommy." It's really flippin' cute. She has stopped saying "how" for "big," though, and looked at me as if I were insane the last time I told her that she used to say "how." Oh well. It is still great to hear her say "Big hug, momma! Momma best friend me." Awww......

Sorry for no photos, I have been incredibly lax in not getting new batteries for the camera. To help you visualize the kids: Sascha's new tooth is coming in and Zoe needs a haircut, and they probably both need their faces wiped.