Monday, December 01, 2008

Now She Is Six!

Sascha's sixth birthday was Thanksgiving Day. We had THREE cakes (one pre-dinner, for family; the other two at dinner, with friends) and the fourth one will be served up this Saturday at her kids' party (11 kids, 2 hours, and a partridge in a pear tree).

She loved all of her presents. The space science kit from Grandma and Grandpa Volkers launched us into hours of learning about the planets, eclipses (she is bound and determined to see a full solar eclipse during her lifetime now), why a year on earth is 365 (plus 1/4) days long, and how many people have been to the moon (14) and have any of them been women (no). She was fascinated by the idea that a year on Pluto (which the kit still counted as a planet, and I didn't get into the controversy) is 247 years long, so if we lived on Pluto, no one would ever have a first birthday!

We may have a budding astronaut on our hands.

I will post photos soon!

Blog Keywords

Wordle is a fun diversion that will figure out the key words in your blog or other website. (But it appears to have pulled only the past three months or so of entries.) It makes pretty colors, too. Click on the graphic to make it full size.