Zoe is now jumping with both feet and doing this little Electric Slide move across the floor. She loves to be read to. But, I think I will have to hide the Dora the Explorer phonics books, because if I have to read "Great Day for Soccer" or "Stuck Truck" one more time, I may explode.
Some recent pix....

Zoe wearing my hat, and an outfit she picked out herself. What is it about toddlers and clashing patterns? Maybe they know that they look cute no matter what. :)

I could say that this pic showcases their very different personalities. :) Sascha is incredibly outgoing with people she knows, but when she first meets someone I really do think she'd rather have her fingernails pulled out than say Hello.
Zoe is still quite social, but she's in a "Mama all the time" phase that often keeps her from noticing there are other humans in the world. Mama realizes that soon, Zoe will be saying things like "Mom, stop talking to me, you're hurting my ears"....not that anyone in the house would say THAT to me, oh no.... ;)...so Mama is trying to enjoy being the center of a little one's universe as long as it lasts. But it does get somewhat old when I cannot go to the bathroom by myself, or sit at the table and eat anything, without having a person clinging to my leg.
1 comment:
Dear Nancy:
Hiding the books will not work! I can still recite parts of AJ and JR's favorite book when they were young: "Counting can be lots of fun when you start with Number 1.Now the next number that is due is the lovely number 2...." Of course I had to do this in the voice of Sesame Street's "the Count." I have no doubt Mugs can recite the entire book from memory--and will probably do so when she has grandkids (Hint, hint to AJ and Amy Jo)
Thanks for the fun pictures and the updates on happenings in the Volkers/Taylor household!
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