Unfortunately it's too cold to play outside! But tomorrow it's supposed to be "warmer" (aka 25 degrees or so). Hopefully the kids' colds will be somewhat better by then. They have very different reactions to the same cold. Sascha's lives all in her nose, while Zoe is not stuffy, but usually gets a cough and is sometimes wheezy. :( It's only happened a couple of times (the wheezing) but it freaks me out to no end. I have flashbacks to her bout with RSV, I guess. Plus, we're talking about breathing, which is no small thing to mess with!
Anyway. I swore I'd write about some of the "schooly" things we're doing. Sascha is very into writing the letters of the alphabet right now. She writes lists, and valentines, and notes, and surprises (notes folded up very small and stuffed into envelopes), and anything else she can think of. Some of her letters are written quite creatively!
Wednesday, Matt and the kids made brownies from scratch. You can see how much they disliked this......

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