Friday, November 14, 2008

Proposition Hate

This is a soapbox entry, so if you'd rather just look at photos of the kids, skip it.

Proposition 8 passed in California, banning gay marriage. As if that weren't abhorrent enough, gays had been allowed to get married in that state, thanks to a court decision in the spring. And now it's been taken away.

I could go on for pages about how sad this makes me and how I do not understand how gay people getting married affects my relationship with my husband AT all (all that "sanctity of marriage" nonsense that gets tossed around -- is a 50% divorce rate really what makes marriage so sanctified? Come on)....but Keith Olbermann says everything I want to say. Here's his commentary, on MSNBC.

You know, the Beatles had it right. All you need is love - so I wish people would quit trying to mess with it.

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